Maryland Rental Property Requirements
Maryland’s lead law was enacted to reduce lead poisoning incidents while maintaining affordable rental housing. Maryland Department of the environment enforces the law and requires all pre-1978 rental units to comply.
Maryland requires all landlords of pre-1978 rental properties to be inspected by an accredited lead inspector prior to each change of occupancy and receive a full risk reduction certificate. To pass the inspection, the property must be free of defective paint on the interior and exterior of the property.
Compliance requirements:
- Register the unit with MDE and pay $30
- Distribute Notice of Tenants Rights and Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home to your tenants when they first move in and every two years
- Meet the risk reduction standard by having your unit inspected by an MDE accredited lead paint inspector. Schedule your inspection online today.
- Use trained workers, accredited supervisors and contractors to do work to meet a risk reduction standard
Certain properties are exempt from testing if a lead-free certificate has been issued. Call 240-760-1530 to schedule a lead-free inspection today to exempt your property from future testing.