Lead Rental Registration Steps

Pre-1978 rental properties are required to be registered and renewed every year with Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) unless the property has been certified lead free. Properties that have not been certified lead free are required to have a new lead certificate at each change of occupancy.

Comply with Maryland’s lead laws by following these steps:.

  1. Get a Tracking Number

    The tracking number you get from MDE is used on the lead certificate and is needed before you can register the property.

    A property owner can use the same tracking number for multiple properties. If you’re unsure if you have a tracking number, search the lead rental registry property search page by property address.

    Call MDE at 410-537-4199 to get a new tracking number. It’s free.

    Don’t have time to call? We can call them for you for only $10. Complete the lead rental form and we will get the tracking number for you.

  2. Register the Pre-1978 Rental

    Once you have a tracking number you can register a new property for the first time or add another property under the same ownership. The registration fees are $30 per unit.

    Register it online by going to the Lead Rental Registration page.

  3. Get a Lead Certificate

    Schedule your lead inspection today to get a lead certificate. Schedule your inspection online or call us at 240-760-1530.

  4. Renew Your Registration

    You can renew your registration by going to the Lead Rental Registration page. The renewal fees are $30 per unit.

If you have questions or need guidance send an email to info@DMVAreaLeadInspections.com.