Avoid Late Penalties - Register Your Rental Before It's Too Late
So… you want to avoid being charged late penalties from Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE)?
If your property isn't registered in time you could face stiff penalties.
You're not alone. Lots of landlords have these same worries.
MDE can charge up to $20 per day from the date of ownership when a property hasn't been registered in time.
In this article, you'll learn how to register your property the right way to avoid these penalties.
When do you need to register?
- Before a new tenant moves in or within 30 days of acquiring the property, and
- Each year after the initial registration
What are the costs?
It's $30 per unit for the initial registration and $30 per unit each year to renew.
How do I register?
- The first step is to get a tracking number if you don’t have one. There are a couple of ways to get the number.
- Complete the online form. For only, $10 we will contact MDE for you and provide you with a tracking number and password to access their registration system.
OR - Call MDE at 410-537-4199 and provide them with the following information:
- Owner Name (First, MI, Last Name)
- Owner Company Name (if applicable)
- Email Address
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Property Address
- Complete the online form. For only, $10 we will contact MDE for you and provide you with a tracking number and password to access their registration system.
- The second step is to register the property online or complete the paper form.
- Login to www.mde.maryland.gov/leadregistration with the tracking number and password you received. Enter the rental property information. You will receive step-by-step instructions via email on how to enter the information.
OR - Complete the Rental Property Registration Form. (This form can only be completed for new registrations.)
- Login to www.mde.maryland.gov/leadregistration with the tracking number and password you received. Enter the rental property information. You will receive step-by-step instructions via email on how to enter the information.
When do I need to renew?
Renewals are required by December 31st each year for the following year. For instance, 2022 renewal fees are due by December 31, 2021. If you register your property between October and December, you can immediately renew it for the following year.
During the first year of registration you will be paying $60 per unit. $30 for the initial registration and $30 for the renewal fee.
Renewals can be completed online by going to the Lead Rental Property Registration and Renewal Online System.
What are the next steps?
- Get a lead certificate by scheduling a lead inspection. Call 240-760-1530 to schedule your lead inspection.
- Provide your tenants with the pink copy of the lead certificate.
- Distribute the following tenant educational materials to your tenant:
Materials should be distributed when they first move in and every two years thereafter for the life of the tenancy.
Have questions or need guidance? Let us know by sending an email to info@DMVAreaLeadInspections.com.